Importing C-CDA documents

If you have an Updox user account, when you receive a DIRECT message with a CCD (Continuity of Care Document), CCR (Continuity of Care Record), or C-CDA (Consolidated-Clinical Document Architecture) file attached, you can match the file with a patient, based on patient information in the document. Then, you can attach the received file to that patient's record. You can also choose to update the patient's information in Dentrix Enterprise.


The messages that appear in your patient health exchange inbox are the same ones that appear in your inbox in the Updox secure messaging application.

Accessing the patient health exchange inbox requires the "Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open" security right.

To import a C-CDA document

In Office Manager, do one of the following:

Click the Patient Health Exchange Inbox button on the toolbar.

On the File menu, click Patient Health Exchange Inbox.

If applicable, do one of the following:

If the Password - Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open" task. Do one of the following:

If your user account has been granted the "Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.

If your user account has not been granted the "Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access the patient health exchange inbox this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.

If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can access the patient health exchange inbox this one time, do the following:

On the message, click Yes.

In the Password - Patient Health Exchange Document Inbox, Open dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.

A progress indicator appears, followed by a completion message.

Click Close.

The Patient Health Exchange Inbox dialog box appears. The Direct C-CDAs tab is selected by default.

Filter the Received Documents list as needed:

To filter the messages by provider, do one of the following:

To view messages that were sent to any provider, select the All check box next to Select Intended Recipient.

To view messages that were sent to a specific provider, do the following:

Click the Select Intended Recipient search button .

The Providers dialog box appears.

To get a list of all providers, do not enter any search criteria in the upper list; otherwise, to search for a specific provider, enter a provider ID, first name, last name, and/or title in the ProviderID, FirstName, LastName, and/or Title boxes, respectively.

Click Show Results.

The matching providers appear in the upper list.

In the upper list, select the correct provider.

Click Add.

The provider now appears in the lower list.

Click OK.

Select or clear the View Documents Attached to Patients check box:

With this check box selected, the list includes messages with documents that are already attached to the correct patients and includes messages with documents that are not attached to patients.

With this check box clear, the list only includes messages with documents that are not attached to patients.

To view the document that is attached to a message, select the message, and then click View File. When you are finished viewing the document, close the C-CDA Document dialog box.

Note: You can specify which sections of the document are visible and in what order they appear. In the C-CDA Document dialog box, click the View Settings icon to open the C-CDA Document - View Settings dialog box. To hide a section, select it in the Selected list, and then click the left arrow. To show a section that you have hidden previously, select it in the Available list, and then click the right arrow. To change the display order of the sections on the document, select a section in the Selected list, and then click the up or down arrow as needed; repeat this as needed to rearrange other sections. When you are finished customizing the view, click Save. The specified view settings are saved for all C-CDA documents that you view from now on.

To find a patient in Dentrix Enterprise that matches the patient whose information is on the document attached to a message, do the following:

Select the message (if not already selected).

Under Matching Criteria from Document, select the criteria that must be met when looking for possible matches (name, birth date, and/or sex), and then click View Matches.

The Possible Patient Matches appear.

Under Possible Patient Matches, select the patient to whom you want to attach the received document. If there are no matches, click the Manually Selected Patient search button to select the correct patient.

With the correct patient selected, to associate a referral source with the received document, do the following:

Click the Related Referral search button .

The Select Referral Acts dialog box appears.

Note: To add, edit, and delete referrals in the patient's Family File record, click New.

Select a referral.

Click OK.

To open the selected patient's Family File record, click View Family File.

To attach the received document to the selected patient's record, click Attach to Patient; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.

A messages appears.

Do one of the following:

To attach the document to the patient's record and choose the data that you want to incorporate into the patient's record, click Yes. Proceed to the next step.

To attach the document to the patient's record without choosing the data that you want to incorporate into the patient's record, click No. Ignore the remaining steps.

To cancel the operation and return to the Patient Health Exchange Inbox dialog box, click Cancel. Go back to any step prior to step 9.

If you clicked Yes, the Comparison dialog box appears with the Problems tab selected; otherwise, ignore the remaining steps.

Reconcile data on the document with data already in the patient's record in Dentrix Enterprise. You can click each tab or click Previous or Next to navigate between each tab. Depending on the C-CDA document, all or some of the following tabs may be available:


Data from Document - The list displays the problems on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each problem, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the problem to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the problems that already exist in the patient's record. For each problem, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.


Data from Document - The list displays the medications on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each medication, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the medication to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the medications that already exist in the patient's record. For each mediation, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.


Data from Document - The list displays the allergies on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each allergy, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the allergy to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the allergies that already exist in the patient's record. For each allergy, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.


Data from Document - The list displays the completed procedures on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each procedure, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the procedure to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the completed procedures that already exist in the patient's record. For each procedure, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.

Tx Plans:

Data from Document - The list displays the treatment-planned procedures on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each procedure, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the procedure to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the treatment-planned procedures that already exist in the patient's record. For each procedure, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.

Dental Conditions:

Data from Document - The list displays the dental conditions on the document that you can add to the patient's record. For each condition, select Add To Patient or Do Not Add from the Action list to specify whether you want to add or not add the condition to the patient's record.

Data in Dentrix Enterprise - The list displays the dental conditions that already exist in the patient's record. For each condition, select Keep, Update, Inactivate, or Remove from the Action list. Data that is removed from Dentrix Enterprise will be available only in an audit trail report.

To view all the resulting changes to the problems, medications, allergies, completed procedures, treatment-planned procedures, and dental conditions (based on your selections on each tab), click Preview Consolidated List. Then, click OK to close the preview dialog box.

Click Finish.

A confirmation message appears.

Click Yes to make the changes to the patient's record.

A summary of the reconciliation appears.

Click OK.